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Conscious politics is not mine, but it is my obsession.

Hello.  My name is Steven Morrison.  I'm a former psychotherapist,

author of The Conscious Politics Sunday Newsletter, facilitator of The Conscious

Politics Free Monthly Training, founder of The Consciousness Company (a

training and consulting concern), and creator of Spiritual Workout.®

I am an  everyday American citizen convinced that a new

consciousness is being born, which I believe augers

well for America and the world.  It's me talking

to you on the site and I'm so glad you're here. 

Let's make everything better.



The intention of conscious politics is to

infuse the mainstream with fresh

and productive currents of

political thought.


The vision of conscious politics

is an America that works for everyone

A mature, evolving democratic society that has transcended its greatest challenges and reclaimed its mantle as a beacon of democracy worldwide. 

Government functions and the citizenry

is free to pursue its happiness.


©2024 by The Consciousness Company

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